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Nehru’s Luminous Legacy, The Jawaharlal Nehru University: Fifty Years and Thereafter, reminisces the pathways that led to the glorious existence of the University by its alumni. This book presents reminiscences by thirty-seven scholars with a tinge of personal touch about the various stages of development of Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) in the first five decades as a successful model for higher education in India and an institution of high-quality intellectual development and international reputation by implementing Nehru’s vision of education. The reminscences of the Jhola Wallahs three decades ago have the zeal, fire and honesty. JNU is Nehru’s abiding legacy as a world-class higher education institution committed to intellectual freedom, critical thinking, a democratic public space., international academic exchange, and onward search for knowledge for the betterment of human beings. JNU stands different in its academic culture and commitment to social justice, social welfare, citizens education and nation-building. The book reminds us of the strength of Nehruvian values and the old admission policy that brought up several intellectuals of standing who contributed greatly to the nation’s development.

R.R. Sharma is the former Professor of the Centre for Russian and Central Asian Studies (formerly Centre for Soviet and East European Studies) (1973-2006) and former Dean of the School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. He served as the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Jammu (1996-2002). Professor Sharma has immensly contributed to academics through his publications and other commitments. The Government of Jammu & Kashmir honoured him with the Gold Medal and Cash Award for Eminent Personalities of Jammu & Kashmir State for his precious service as an educationist to the nation in 2002 and 2006. Prof. Sharma served as President of the JNU Teacher’s Association.



Foreword by – Yoginder K. Alagh

Preface and Acknowledgements

Jawaharlal Nehru University: Fifty Years and Thereafter 19 – R.R. Sharma

1. My Life in JNU: Past and Present – A.K. Pasha

2. JNU: Then and Now – Ajay Patnaik

3. JNU: Dividends of Democratizing Higher Education – Anand Kumar

4. JNU in Retrospect – Anjan Mukherji

5. JNU Potential and Performance: Need to Introspect – Arun Kumar

6. Growing Up With JNU: Reflections, Confessions and Apprehensions – Avijit Pathak

7. To the Hummocks of Delhi Ridge in JNU and Further—A Memorable Journey – Azeez P.A.

8. Jawaharlal Nehru University: Beyond the Syllabus and Academic Boundaries – Baishnab Charan Tripathy

9. JNU: Break from the Colonial System of Higher Education – Chaman Lal

10. Reflections on My School and the University, Then and Now – C.S.R. Murthy

11. JNU: The Norms Maker, Not the Norms Taker – Girijesh Pant

12. My Days in the Centre of Russian Studies: Reflections on My JNU Days – Harish Kumar Vijra

13. JNU: A Moveable Feast – Harish Narang

14. Beyond Left and Right: Understanding Ambedkarite Experience and Politics in JNU – Jitendra Suna

15. JNU: Then and Now – Jyoti Narain Singh

16. Jawaharlal Nehru University’s Path of Excellence Through Humanism: Recollections of My Experiences
of Journey in JNU – K.B. Usha

17. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Central Library: Jawaharlal Nehru University – L.C. Kumar and Manorama Tripathi

18. Reflections of Memories of JNU – M.H. Qureshi

19. The Historical Specificity of JNU – Prabhat Patnaik

20. JNU in My Memory – Pramod Talgeri

21. Learning from JNU: A Personal Account – Pramod Yadava

22. Reminiscences of My Association with JNU – Rajan Harshe

23. JNU: A University with a Difference – Rajarshi Dasgupta and Asha Sarangi

24. JNU: Some Reminiscences – Rama Rao

25. Reminiscences – Ramesh Bamezai

26. Random Self-Reflections on My JNU Life as a Research Scholar in the 1980s and 90s – R. Sugathan

27. Fertilizing the ‘Tors’ – Sachidanand Sinha

28. JNU Culture: Diversity and Parity – Sonajharia Minz

29. My Days at JNU – Sucheta Mahajan

30. Academics and Excellence in JNU: Personal Reflections – Sudhir K. Sopory

31. The Children of Nehru: My Experience of Growing Up in JNU – Sumitro Chatterjee

32. JNU: A Unique Institution – S.D. Muni

33. My Reminiscences of JNU – Talat Parveen

34. Situating Student Activism in Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) – T.K. Oommen

35. Some Reflections from the Diary of a Privileged and Proud JNUite – Vaishna Narang

Notes on Contributors



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