FORTELL Journal of Teaching English Language and Literature (Issue No. 44, January 2022)
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ISBN | N/A |
(UGC care listed, bi-annual, open-access, peer-reviewed and indexed journal)
ISSN: Print 2229-6557, Online 2394-9244 (bi-annual)
FORTELL: Journal of Teaching English Language and Literature is a UGC care listed bi-annual, open-access, peer-reviewed and indexed journal. It is brought out by FORTELL (Forum for Teachers of English Language and Literature), an autonomous registered body of English teaching professionals founded in 1989.
It is a blind peer-reviewed journal, publishing high quality, original research in English language and literature. It focuses not just on theoretical concepts of research, but on pedagogical practices of the classroom. It encourages and invites scholarship on new technologies of teaching language and literature; and seeks to interrogate the relationship between syllabi, teaching methodologies and evaluation.
Fortell is published bi-annually (January & July) and is available from Aakar Books International with effect from Issue No. 40, January 2020 onwards.
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