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Since emergence of the recent economic and financial crisis, the world over, explanatory power of social sciences and their methods of analysis are being questioned more vigorously. Even the validity of water tight compartmentalisation of socia science into various disciplines is being questioned. Consensus appears to be emerging that political economy approach to teaching and research may be encouraged where in interaction of economic, political and social processes are not lost sight of while analysing various social issues. The task is challenging as traditional mode of analysis in various disciplines which assumes that the factors assigned to the domains of other disciplines remaining unchanged, how dominant factors which constitute a discipline will interact and to subject those outcomes to empirical verification. This mode of thinking and research need to be replaced by dialectical method whereby interaction of economic, political and social factors is taken into consideration in formulation of various research questions and attempting possible explainations.

This volume seeks to encourage such an approach to social analysis. It examines various emerging issues in the society in the era of globalization. This volume has been arranged in four sections: State, Market, Industry and Globalization; Rural Society and Agrarian Change; Participatory Democracy and Governance; and Gender, Development and Disparities. It is expected that issues raised and approach to the analysis will benefit scholars to comprehend social reality with a new perspective and appraoch. It will help policy makers to look at more realistic conclusions for policy making.

Surinder Kumar is Director of Giri Institute of Development Studies, Lucknow. He was Professor and Head, Departmenr of Economics, and Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences and Academic Affairs at Maharishi Dayanand University, Rohtak. He was holding the position of RBI Chair Professor at the Centre for Research in Rural and Industrial Development, Chandigarh. He was Ford Foundation Post Doctoral Visiting Scholar to State University of New Jersey, Rutgers and Lawrence Berkley Laboratory, University of California, USA. He has authored a number of books.

C S Verma, Currently a Senior Fellow at Giri Instittue of Development Studies, Lucknow, has more than two decades of teaching and research papers in national and international journals. Before taking up academics and research, he has worked as journalist in the National Herald, New Delhi.

Prashant K Trivedi is Associate Professor at Giri Instittue of Development Studies, Lucknow. He has published articles on a variety of subjects in various journals. His latest book includesLand to the Tiller: Revisiting the Unfinished Land Reforms Agenda (2016). Earlier he was faculty at the Council for Social Development, New Delhi since 2006. During this period he was Review Editor ofSocial Change.


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