NARRATIVES OF THE EXCLUDED: Selected Poems of Madan Veera




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“Madan Veera has a prominent place in Punjabi literary world. The depressed and oppressed sections of the society are at the centre of his poetry that reflects the cruel face of social system based on caste inequality and injustice. His poetry is a sharp weapon against inhuman orthodox traditions. Madan Veera’s poetry is simple but also a deep satire on the socio-political system. I hope this translation would cross the barriers and borders to spread the message of social equality.” – Balbir Madhopuri, Biographer, Poet, Fiction Writer, Translator

In his poetry from the periphery, Madan Veera boldly answers what Gayatri Spivak called in her classic essay “Can the Subaltern Speak?” His poems not only speak the truth spontaneously but also pierce through hearts how hard they might be! His eloquent expression of the sordid everyday realities of those who exist on the fringes of the mainstream society retains the power to daze unsuspecting readers who are unaquainted with, and completely removed, from this altogether different world of the historically segregated sections of the society. The poet masterfully unravels the deeply-hidden grief of centuries-old social exclusion and its consequent deprivations. He never enacts a whiner in the manifestation of the historical angst but valorously challenges its roots in the oppressive social structures of discrimination. His poetry compels one to empathize with him and his larger social concern.

“Trilok Chand Ghai, a native of Punjabi world, has not only captured the essence of Madan Veera’s poetry but also conserved its vernacular dictum. His brilliant and searching translation will carry forward legitimately the argot of Madan to a potentially much wider English readership. This is his fourth English translation of Punjabi poetry. Ghai’s earlier translations of Punjabi poetry – of Baba Farid, Pash, Lal Singh Dil and Balbir Madhopuri – were well received both at home and abroad.” – Ronki Ram, Professor of Political Science, Shaheed Bhagat Singh Chair, Punjab University, Chandigarh (India).


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