The Heart of the Matter: Development, Identity and Violence – Reconfiguring the Debate


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The volume addresses the complex relationship between Development, Identity and Violence from different dimensions. It explores the idea of development beyond its appearances and delves deeper into its essence. India has been a site of tumultuous changes in recent times as a consequence of its shift towards neoliberalism. This shift has not only introduced a new framework of development but has also produced its side effects. Chapters in this volume make an effort to critically engage with these issues trying to reconfigure the ongoing debates on development.

Ravi Kumarteaches at the Department of Sociology, Jamia Millia Islamia. His works includeGhetto and Within; Class, Identity, State and Politics of Mobilisation(2010, Delhi: Aakar Books);Global Neoliberalism and Education and its Consequences(2009, New York & London: Routledge);The Crisis of Elementary Education in India(2006, New Delhi: Sage Publications);The Politics of Imperialism and Counterstrategies(2004, New Delhi: Aakar Books). He is in process of co-editing a series on Social Movements, Dissent and Transformative. He has written extensively on education, media and social movements and is on the advisory board of Journal of Critical Education Policy Studies and co-edits Radical Notes.


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