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Change can be seen vividly in the larger political economy and its reflections in the spheres of resistance and mobilisation. Located within the context of ‘weakening’ of Left Politics not only in electoral terms (except Nepal) but also organisational capability in whole of South Asia this volume brings in diverse discourses to explore need for reframing the left agenda. Some chapters give us a chronology of how the left politics has evolved while others are prompting questions concerning questions of gender and sexuality, unionism and mass mobilisation in the new political contexts. This is not a conclusive volume posing questions and giving solutions for the left politics rather it is an effort to provoke a debate regarding possible interventions within the sphere of left politics.



1. Introduction: Left Politics in South Asia: Reframing the Agenda by RAVI KUMAR

2. Power and Resistance in Modi’s India by RADHIKA DESAI

3. Reclaiming the Nation and Nationalism: A Marxist Praxis by V. KRISHNA ANANTH

4. Neoliberal Capitalism, Resistance and Crisis of the Left in India by RAVI KUMAR

5. Who is Afraid of Postcolonial Theory? Development, Accumulation and the Spectre ofOutside by DHRITIMAN CHAKRABORTY

6. State, Class and People’s Struggles Trajectory of the Left in Bangladesh—Crisis and New Formation by ANU MUHAMMAD

7. South Asia After Bangladesh: Some Aspects of the National Question in India bySALMULLAH KHAN

8. Radical Route to Neoconservative Resolution in Nepal by SHUBHANGA PANDEY

9. Revisiting the Marxist Approach to Sex Work by ANUJA AGRAWAL

10. Marxism and Queer Theory: A Critical Analysis by PUSHPESH KUMAR

11. Countering ‘Alienation’: Re-reading Subversion in Discursive Practices by RACHNA CHAUDHARY

12. Creative Construction: Imagining New Pathways of Worker Control by MANAS RANJAN BHOWMIK

13. Reworking Notions of the ‘Trade Union’ and Organized Labour: Issues of Identity,Ecology and Technology in Imaginations of the Chhattisgarh Mukti Morcha in CentralIndia by RADHIKA KRISHNAN

14. Temple as a Site of Contestation: The Left’s Engagement with Hindu Identity Politics inKerala by NIRMALA V.U.

List of Contributors

Ravi Kumarteaches Sociology at South Asian University, New Delhi.His other books are as follows:

– Contemporary Readings in Marxism: A Critical Introduction -http://aakarbooks.com/details.php?bid=46

– Education, State and Market: Anatomy of Neoliberal Impact -http://aakarbooks.com/details.php?bid=184

-Ghetto and Within; Class, Identity, State and Political Mobilisation -http://aakarbooks.com/details.php?bid=404

-The Heart of the Matter: Development, Identity and Violence – Reconfiguring the Debate -http://aakarbooks.com/details.php?bid=388

-The Politics of Imperialism and Counterstrategies -http://aakarbooks.com/details.php?bid=605


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