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ISBN | 9789391982089 |
This book is an attempt to collect all the classical texts that throw any light on Indian history and culture. The collection of all useful classical texts naturally draws attenton to the variety and richness of this source of information. The data supplied by the sources cover in varying degrees, a wide range of subjects such as political history and constitutional forms, administrative institutions, military equipments and rules of warfare, physical and economic geographgy, trade and commerce, social and economic conditions, morals and religion, and a variety of topics bearing on general manners and customs of king and people.
R.C. Majumdarwas the Vice-President of the International Commission for the History of the Scientific and Cultural Development of Mankind set up by UNESCO; Fellow of the Asiatic Society, Calcutta; Honorary Fellow of the Asiatic Society of Bombay; Vice-Chancellor of University of Dacca and Principal, College of Indology, Banaras Hindu University.
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