Pakistan’s Other Story; The 1968-9 Revolution
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ISBN | 9789350020012 |
Lal Khan’s book on the Pakistan Revolution of 1968-9, is a most important addition to the theoretical arsenal of international Marxism. In 1968, the attention of most people in Europe was absorbed by the revolutionary events in France. But I can vividly remember the marvellous movement in Pakistan, which made a deep impression on me…
The Pakistan Revolution of 1968-9 was one of the greatest revolutionary movements of the 20th century. It is rich in lessons and Lal Khan’s book is an outstanding summing up of these lessons. It deserves most careful study by every revolutionary.—Alan Woods Editor, marxist.com
Lal Khanwas one of the founders of the paperClass Struggle, and editor of theAsian Marxist Review.
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