…AND THE WORLD SHOULD BE MADE A DESERT: Fragments on Art, Philosophy and Life


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This work is the joint endeavour of a writer and an artist: with the text from the writer and images from the artist, together they “attempt” to call forth to manifestation the mystery of the world and of human existence on earth. The text consists of fragments – which are attempts at discontinuous thinking – which deal with fundamental questions of human life; eternity and time, life and death, joy and melancholy, soltitude and community, the prsence of divinity and the solace of nature, politics and ethics, language and silence. They thereby attempt to keep the world open to the possibility of the manifestation of mystery which, in today’s world of mass-consumption, is often obfuscated and abandoned.

Saitya Brata Dasteaches philosophy and literature at the Centre for EnglishStudies, Jawaharlal Nehru University. He is former Post-Doc Fellow at UFR Philosophie, Universite de Strasbourg (France) and Fellow at Indian Institute of Advanced Study, Shimla (India). He is the author ofThe Political Theology of Schelling(Edinburgh University Press, 2016).

Achia Anzi, born in Israel, is currently residing in India. He is visiting Professor at Hebrew at Jawaharlal Nehru University. Anzi’s solo exhibitions were shown both in Israel and India and his translation from Urdu and Hindi were printed in several Hebrew newspaper and journals.


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