Imperialism and World Economy
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ISBN | 9789350020395 |
Written in 1915,Imperialism and World Economywas a major contribution to the development of a Marxist-Leninist theory of imperialism. But Bukharin’s analysis is perhaps even more relevant today, because he investigated imperialism within the context of the world capitalist system. The modern acceleration of the internationalization of capital was clearly anticipated in this study of how and why the world economy expands, becomes interconnected, and is reproduced. Equally relevant today is Bukharin’s exploration of the sources of conflict between capital of different nations despite, or because of, growing economic interdependence on a world scale.
Nikolai Bukharinwas one of the most talented of the leaders of the Bolshevik Party, a member of the Soviet government after 1917, and the author of important works on Marxist theory. He was executed in 1938.
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